For years I've been proud of the fact that out of my friends, I'm one of the few who doesn't have a tattoo. I'm not exactly trendy. A few months before my 30th birthday I really started thinking about getting one. It's been over two years and I'm still thinking about it. I feel like I'm grounded enough in who I am to decide on something really permanent. When I was younger I couldn't think of anything I would want to look at for the REST OF MY LIFE. After thinking about it this long though, I know what's important to me. I know who I am. The options I considered are something symbolizing God and/or family. The inner side of my foot seems like a safe place to get a tattoo as far as professional careers are concerned. I haven't talked to any artists yet and I haven't chosen a font or exact design, but I think I know what I want. I want some version of this verse from the book of Isaiah. It encourages me and reminds me no matter how lonely I feel that I'm never actually alone. God is there. I would like feedback from people. To tattoo or not to tattoo? Those that know me, do you think I'm ready for this kind of permanency? Do you think I will regret it later? If you have one, what kind of flack did you catch from your family? Weigh in y'all!