The other day I experienced the most awkward moment ever except like most things with me, it just kept dragging on and on and on. I work on a military base, so everyday I have to show my ID at the gate. One of the gate workers is a lady who used to work for my grandfather. He passed away three years ago and I've only seen the lady a few times until I started going through that gate this school year. She is very nice and always asks about my grandmother and mom. Well last week she asked, "How's the baby? Getting big I bet!". I said "Oh yeah he's four now." I assumed she was talking about my youngest nephew. Because there were other cars behind me, I had to move along. About 30 seconds down the road I realized she wasn't asking about my nephew. She was asking about MY baby. I was pregnant at my grandfather's visitation and she didn't know I'd had a miscarriage and was divorced. Crap. How do you tell someone there isn't a baby, three years later? I called my mom and told her and once again my mom saved me. She messaged the lady on Facebook and told her. Needless to say the next time I went through the gate was a little awkward. The lady rubbed my arm and said my mom had told her about my "troubles" and she hoped I was okay. Wow. It's been 3 years since my second miscarriage and 2 years since my divorce. I work through it and am pretty at peace about it all, but this just totally caught me off guard. I also felt bad for the lady because she had to feel terrible about it. Does this stuff ever happen to people in New York or Los Angeles?